• Five Minute Friday Extreme

    5 Minute Friday – Extreme

    When I first saw the word extreme, several extreme things came to mind – politics (it’s right after midterms), temperatures, tempers. None of those were things about which I wanted to write. I…

  • Blessed

    For a few years now, I’ve been reading people’s “One Word” posts. I even wanted to select a word for myself. But last year, I had three words I liked and I couldn’t…

  • 100th Post – Thanksgiving

    I find it very appropriate that my 100th post will be one of gratitude. I’ve seen a few people posting alphabetic gratitude lists on FB each day, so I would like to do…

  • Desire of My Heart

    Something happened to me at Mass today… …but it started last night. I was talking with a friend who was describing a difficult situation. My heart cried a bit for this friend and…