Media and My Marriage
Continuing with Courtney’s Media Mondays, today we are discussing the role of media in our marriages. If you click on the words Media Mondays above, you will see five different ways that media can, or maybe has already, effect your marriage. They are all very important issues to be concerned about and/or watch out for in your relationship.
She discusses how the amount of time we spend online can neglect our husband’s needs. So true. I know I’ve been guilty of that.
Then there’s inappropriate relationships that can start so innocently. I know a woman whose husband started a few inappropriate relationships online; and I know how much this hurt her and her relationship. That trust is so difficult to regain. Right along with this one is the amount of inappropriate material that can so easily enter the house. Sometimes these two go hand in hand.
Though these are very real dangers, the nature of the internet is that it has many positives as well. For example, while there is so much filth out there, there is also such an opportunity to mentor and to grow.
The internet has provided a way for us to teach people we could never reach on our own. By the same token, we can also learn more than we ever could on our own. It’s a huge multiplication of the Titus 2 message! Here’s a list of things I’ve found to be extremely helpful in my marriage.
- FitMarriage – Tony and Dustin have created some wonderful resources to help busy couples find time to get/stay fit together. Read my posts on Thrive90 to see this resource in action in my life (here and here are a couple of good ones).
- Engaged Marriage – Dustin (from above) has his own website, where his tagline is “Don’t just stay married. Stay Engaged.” He is also the author of the ’15-Minute Marriage Makeover.’
- One Extraordinary Marriage – Tony (from above) and his wife, Alisa, are the creators of ‘Stripped Down’ and Marriage podcasts; as well as the popular Seven Day Challenge.
- Adding Zest to Your Nest – This site is comprised of a group of women who offer some very frank (and explicit) advice on meeting those bedroom needs.
- Hot Holy and Humorous – Similar to Adding Zest, J (this site’s host) offers some frank and explicit advice as well.
- Peasant Princess – This is a series of talks on the Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs). Mark Driscoll talks very openly on the marriage relationship, as designed by God, and isn’t afraid to speak the truth about how men and women have different roles in it. Each talk is approximately an hour and would make a great beginning to a ‘date night’ with your spouse. (see my post entitled Hopeful Transformations to read more about this resource in my life)
- Sexually Confident Wife – Shannon Ethridge has a wealth of information here. You can sign up for short emails that offer one ‘Hot Tip’ each week to making your marriage better.
- Kingdom Twindom – This blog chronicles the life – ups and downs – of one family’s marriage. The wife, the writer, has made some difficult choices and shares them on her blog. She is a wonderful example of living out her marriage vows. Some of her readers disagree. We, as Christian women, can rally around other Christian women and support their Godly decisions.
I know there are many more out there, but these are ones with which I am familiar.
Yes, there are many ways that media can drive a wedge between us and our spouses, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can turn the tables and use it for good. Remember Joseph’s revelation to his brothers… “Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good, to achieve his present end…” (Genesis 50:20). God can use the internet for good through His people. Just as He saved the Israelites from starvation through the evil that befell Joseph.
Technology is here. We cannot escape it. Let’s resolve to take it back from the devil and use it for the good God wants in all our lives. Let’s let it bless our marriages with happier wives and happier husbands. Let’s bless each other as we learn from Godly women (and men) what works and what doesn’t; what God has designed, and how He has blessed this beautiful thing called marriage.
My challenge to you this week is to find a way to bless your husband (or wife) ~ at least once this week ~ via media. Please come back and let me know in the comments what you did and how it went.
* FitMarriage is an affiliate link; I am not affiliated with any of the other links.
** Some of these websites contain explicit content. While it is Christian-based, it is intended for mature audiences of married couples.
*** This post is linked to Women Living Well’s Media Mondays. Please stop by and see what other Godly women have to say about media and their marriages.
*** This post is also being linked to Building Our Homes Together with Jesus. Please head on over to see what other ladies are doing in their homes.
Lisa Maria
Hi Heather
Thank you for visiting my blog today This post was great.. thanks for all the links, I’ll be sure to check them out.
God Bless!
Thanks! I would love to know if you find anything that is helpful.