Liberty Bow
Lilla Rose normally releases a Flexi-of-the-Month on the first. But, because Independence Day is the 4th they wanted you to be able to have it in time! Yay for us!
Introducing Liberty Bow:
And to sweeten the pot, Lilla Rose is offering a sale on everything on the site for two days (sale runs from June 25th until 11:59 pm on June 26th, 2014). All items on the site are 10% off and you get free shipping on all orders over $40.
And don’t forget, because this is an early release, you can still get June’s Flexi-of-the-Month, Calla Lily, until June 30th (and it’s included in the sale too!).
* All clicks go directly to my website; any sales help to keep my kids home, and is much appreciated.