Fifty Weeks – Week Two
Today ends Week Two. Our weather doesn’t seem to know what it wants to do. We’ve had days in the 60s, days with hail, and days with ice.
During the week, we had two days that ice was predicted to come in overnight. The first one caught me off guard and I wasn’t prepared. I like to leave my wipers up so they don’t get frozen to my windshield; and I like to be able to salt my walkway so we can get to our vehicle safely. I didn’t do either of those things. Thankfully, school was cancelled and I didn’t have to go out. Then it warmed up quickly and the ice disappeared.
But I was ready for the second day. When we got home from rehearsal, I told the kids to go inside while I salted our walkway. I am grateful for this project because it has my eyes open to possibilities.
My next door neighbors are a married couple. The wife cares for their grandchildren each day; and the husband mowed my lawn every time he mowed his. So here was my opportunity to do something for them. He leaves for work very early in the morning and I wanted him to have a safe path to his work van. For my Random Act of Kindness (RAK) this week, I took my salt and salted their walkway and their steps, all the way up to their front door.
It was a very simple gesture; and it cost me very little. But it created a safe way for him to get out in the morning. After all that he help me over the last year it felt good to be able to do something for him. And I think the best part was doing it without being known (at least I don’t think anyone saw me), though I’m sure they could figure it out. But that’s not the point…
My first week’s act cost me a little money, but this act really didn’t. I already had the salt, so I was able to share from my resources.
So now we move in to Week Three… which also is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time of penance and sacrifice, and that fits in nicely with what I’m trying to do. Sacrifice to bless others.
One of my goals during each Lent is to make my sacrifice be something that leads to a positive change in my life; something that brings me closer to Jesus. I pray that He uses me this Lent to be His Hands & Feet to start a lifetime change of blessing His people.