Fifty Weeks – Weeks Three & Four
Well, that didn’t take long! I skipped the Week Three post, but I didn’t skip the kindness.
And I had a good reason too.
I went to the doctor for an odd symptom, which led to urgent tests, which led to a biopsy…
Praise God that it was benign; but they’re not sure what it is, so it needs to be removed. Yay; surgery!
So my blog post got delayed, but I still tried to be kind through out the last two weeks. I modeled this time after St. Terese of Lisieux and her “Little Way” – which means that I tried to do little things with love.
You can learn more about St. Terese here and here.
So… what did I do over the last two weeks?
- Moved over on the highway so someone else could go around me
- Slowed down to allow a car, stuck behind a parked car, to enter my lane
- Allowed people to cross the street, even though I had the right of way (did not inconvenience anyone behind me by doing this)
- Complimented my son in a way that made him very happy
- Offered to pick up another student from rehearsal so her mother wouldn’t have to drive as far
- Picked up this student multiple times; and will continue to do so until rehearsal ends
- Complimented an employee in front of his manager
- Saw my daughter’s frustration with a mess she’d made and cleaned it up for her
- Took another student home with us on a half day and kept her until her father was able to come get her
- Completed some of the kids’ chores for them
- Said prayers for the homeless I saw on the streets
- Shared a special treat I received with my son
- Remained calm and did not react when I had justification to be angry
- Took my daughter somewhere she wanted to go even though I would have preferred to be at home
- Drove an hour to take my daughter to a new activity, sat and waited for two hours, then drove an hour home, with love
- Laughed off a frustrating one hour wait time on hold; joking with the customer service representative who probably heard her share of complaints throughout her shift
- Hid the tests & biopsy from my kids in order to spare them worry & anxiety (some may argue that it’s not right to keep things from them like that, but I disagree in this case)
- Prayed for a friend’s son who was encountering a difficult situation
- Deliberately waved ‘thank you’ to all drivers who slowed down for me, allowed me in their lane, and one who entered a lane to stop traffic in order to allow me to cross
- Picked up two neighbors’ trash cans that had blown into the street
- Used a freebie I received to order some prints for my daughter (Shhhh! It’s a surprise!)
- Wished a stranger good luck when I noticed she was studying for a test
- Looked for a home remedy for a friend and texted her photos of it
- Did something for my daughter that would embarrass her if I provided details
- Went through some books and created a pile to donate to a book drive
- Went through some clothes and decided to donate some
- Modeled praying for those who hate & persecute by praying for my ex-husband in front of the children
- Chose one person who used to pray & attend church, but no longer does, to pray for throughout Lent; and prayed for her daily
I am sure there are other things, but silly me forgot to write them down. I guess I can be kind to myself and cut me some slack…
Barring any other surprises, I’ll be back again next week!
Keep being kind; even if it’s just in the little things ~ Especially in the little things!