Fifty Weeks – Week One
Well, Week 1 is behind me…
What I did involves a website, a family business. And it made me think about how I wanted to handle links and other people’s businesses. So I’m going to add a disclaimer:
While I do use affiliate links on this site, I will not use any on my “50 Weeks til Fifty” blog posts. It is not my intention to gain financially through these acts of kindness. If I link to a website, it’s because I’ve used it and/or I think it will be beneficial to someone else. Clicking on it will not earn me a commission. If I decide to do anything with either of my businesses along this journey, I will not link to their websites within the post. The purpose of this series is to bless and inspire others, not to make money off of it. That said, let’s get on to the Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs)!
We are fast approaching the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday is February 14, 2018); the time when Christians all over the world commemorate the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert, praying and being tempted by the devil.
Sometimes this season is difficult for children to understand – it can be difficult for adults too! We call it the 40 Days of Lent, but there are actually 46 days from Ash Wednesday until Holy Saturday. To help kids understand how Lent works, a Catholic family created an interactive adventure called Holy Heroes Lenten Adventure. It’s a completely free service; with activities, videos, projects, prayers, Bible stories, and more. All from one family! And it’s mostly done by the kids themselves. My kids did this adventure for several years; not only did they enjoy it, but they learned so much about their faith along the way. You can sign up for free here.
One of the optional products that can accompany the Holy Heroes Lenten Adventure is a Lenten Road map called “Road to Easter”
So for this week’s RAK, I purchased a couple of these and had them sent anonymously to my church so they could be handed out to kids who would enjoy using them. While it’s not necessary to use the maps for the Adventure, it is a nice little addition to it. Hopefully, some of the younger children in my parish will learn a little more about the 40 Days of Lent.
Note: The Holy Heroes Lenten Adventure, according to the website, is geared towards children aged 5-12.