As this holiday season comes to a close with Epiphany, I find myself reflecting on how this last month or two went. As I think, I realize that this has been one of the best Christmases ever.
- It wasn’t because I got the best gifts.
- It wasn’t because we hosted the best parties.
- It wasn’t even because we attended the best parties.
- It wasn’t because we had the best clothes.
- It wasn’t because all the food turned out great.
I am realizing that for the first time, I really put Christ in CHRISTmas.Here’s how:
- We participated in Holy Heroes Advent Adventure;
- We took my daughter’s doll cradle and some shredded paper (added for acts of kindness and sacrifice) and made a bed for Baby Jesus;
- We wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a Manger;
We followed the genealogy of Jesus with a homemade Jesse Tree:
We celebrated the lives and Feast Days of some Saints who loved Jesus long before we were alive – we discovered we can learn a lot from their faith and example!
- We made many of our gifts, removing ourselves from the malls (we did go to a couple of stores, but were determined not to participate in the madness);
- We made Christmas Eve Mass a priority – it was something special – we arrived early and didn’t rush out. We lingered. We studied the beautiful Creche. Then we went home and read The Night Before Christmas, but the last thing we did as a family was to read the Nativity story from the Gospel of Luke.
It was such a beautiful time this year. There was no stress. There were no worries about the ‘perfect’ gift. There was just family and love. From the First and Holy family, to our immediate and extended family.
I am convinced now that this is a lot closer to the way things are supposed to be. It’s amazing that the more I let go of the way the world thinks I should do something, the more I feel at peace. How about you? How did you make your Christmas season centered more around Christ? Happy Feast of Epiphany!
I loved having Christmas fall on a Sunday this year so that we could go to church. It was such a beautiful service. Your Christmas season sounds wonderful. When we take the time to focus on the important things, it’s so much better.
What a cute idea with the the crayons. thank you for visiting my blog and telling me a bit about your story. Thank you also for the example of faith you are setting in your marriage.