• Thrive90 – Days 3 & 4

    Today is actually Day Four; and a day of rest. Boy, did I need it after Day Three’s activities! On Day Three, I had a new video to try. It was called HIIT…

  • Thrive90 – Day Two

    Well today I actually had to exercise – the kids even did it with me. It’s good for them to see their mother doing this and to take part. Why am I doing…

  • Thrive90 – Day One

    As I mentioned here and here my health is not at its best right now. Over the last week I’ve been thinking, and praying, about the possibility of surgery. I keep thinking about…

  • Tough Decisions

    Like I said in this post, I have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome on both sides of my body. You can learn more about it here, here, or here. Even with all this information (and…

  • First Days

    I’ve heard it said often enough, “This is the first day of the rest of my life.” This phrase usually implies that there has been a change in the person’s life, either for…

  • COURAGEOUS: Honor Begins At Home

    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15) Recently I was privileged to participate in an advanced screening of Courageous ~ the latest movie from Sherwood Pictures. You…

  • Fall Challenge Week One

    Today begins Week One of Courtney’s Fall Challenge to Make Your Home a Haven. The challenge for the week was to get a candle and light it each day this week. Every time…

  • Dear Younger Self

    Today, Lynn and Dineen over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage began a series called The Intentional Marriage. While I was unable to view the first part of this series (long story, but no audio…