Come Home

I may be one of the few Catholics out there who has only heard Father John Corapi speak, via EWTN, once (didn’t have cable/satellite access for a few years). For that I am now sorry. I have been paying attention to all the drama surrounding his situation and am deeply saddened. I am not interested in debating guilt or innocence; the system: whether it’s broken or not; there are plenty of bloggers (most of them more educated than I) doing that.

However, I came across this video today and it really tugged at my heart-strings. These men speak from their hearts. They speak of the Divine and of human needs & emotions. It is a true outpouring of love; and that’s why I re-post it.

Father Corapi, I don’t know you and you don’t me. I haven’t heard you speak, but once. But I know Jesus Christ, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and the importance of the priesthood. I know that Jesus needs you to be His Hands and Feet here on earth. We need your prayers. We need you to hear our confessions; and we need you to Consecrate the Eucharist. We need you to continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once a priest, always a priest.

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